Apple / iOS
You can request a refund from both iOS and the computer. Follow these steps:
- Access Apple’s Report a Problem website:
- Login with your Apple ID
- Search for BTFIT at the search field (1.) and right after the app icon shows up, click on “Report”
- A box will open, with the information of what device the app was purchased. You will see a menu, in which you’ll be able to pick the reason why you’re asking for a refund. Choose one of them or write something, if your reason is different from the list.
- Click on the “Send” button
Within 48 business hours you will receive an answer from an Apple attendant about your case.
Google / Android
You can request a refund from both Android and the computer.
For purchases devolution or refund, or subscriptions made through Google Play (Android), complete the form below:
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